Introvert’s imagination

Introvert’s imagination is usually without comparison. There is a saying “introverts have whole world inside their minds” means it literally. Most might have even multiple galaxies. Introverts have ability to live inside the inner world is both possibility and threat. It is fantastic to own a organic virtual reality where…

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Agile documenting

  Original in my employers blog–combine-waterfall-and-agile-project-methods–save-time-and-money/ Project model – combine waterfall and Agile project methods – save time and money Many times customer wants to buy projects in waterfall model. Even if the customer knows the pros of an Agile method they still want to have fixed scope to ensure…

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Let’s try

I have been blogging over half year now. I thought I would never start blogging in English but here we go. I promised to myself that I will start it when I have been blogging a year. I have studied my MBA in English and written my master’s thesis in…

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