I needed to create a Power Automate solution which clones Microsoft Teams team and planner inside it. And at last add the plan as tab to general channel. Cloning the team is easy and here are the instructions for cloning Teams team. Create Azure App Registration with permissions shown in…
Introvert’s manic depression
Introvert needs space, just to get charged. It might be very hard to understand for an extrovert that being among others eats introvert’s energy. We need to charge our batteries so that we would could smile when being with other people. When our emotional balance is ok, we are smiling…
Don’t be the Riddler – share the information!
Please don’t play the guessing games at the expense of others. Especially don’t do it in customer service or in co-operation. Guessing games is not cool and it produces sad mind. It is a part of children development but for adults it shows the lack of communication skills. Playing guessing…